
Weather Station

Cup Type Anemometer:
AnemometerIt is used to measure wind velocity / wind speed. The instrument is calibrated to read km/hr. It revolves anticlockwise viewed from the above.

Average Wind Speed = Current Reading - Previous Reading / No. of Hours of observation. The average wind speed in Kodagu ranges from 3.3 miles to 9.4 miles per hour (5.3 to 15.1km/hr.).







Wind Vane/ Weather vane:
Wind WaneIt shows the direction from which the wind blows. Wind direction is the compass point from which the wind is coming. E.g., South, South-West, West etc., In Kodagu most of the year wind blows from South Westerly direction. 










Sunshine Recorder:
Sunshine RecorderWeatherStation2024 04It is also known as Heliograph and is used to record the intensity of sunshine over a day at a given location. The focused Sun’s rays burn a trace on the card to indicate the period of bright sunshine during the day. Since Kodagu experiences monsoon season from mid- May to the end of Sep the sunshine during this period is less due to cloud cover.

Small Stevenson Screen: (W-560 x D-315 x H-412 mm)
Mounted on a four- legged stand a White painted wooden louvred box is used to provide shelter for meteorological instruments particularly Max., Min. & Wet, Dry bulb thermometers and Aneroid barometer to record air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure respectively.

Skating Rink

skating rink2skating rink1



“A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort. A library is a good place to go when you feel bewildered or undecided, for there, in a book, you may have your question answered. Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people - people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book."                                                                                                                                    E.B. White

A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - a place where history comes to life. The Sainik School Kodagu library is certainly a place where students lower their voices, only to raise their minds. Located on the first floor of the School, with an enviable collection of 8,800 books, newspapers, magazines and academic journals, the library is a haven for avid readers and researchers. It also has educational CDs/DVDs collection.



Libray Rules

Play Grounds

We have 3 Basket ball courts. These were constructed in the year 2010. These courts are constructed to make the cadets to be trained to play basket ball. Every year we conduct Inter house competitions which not only builds team work but also build them as true sportsmen. This court is on to right to the Thimmayya parade ground. This school produces very good Basket Ball players. Every day cadets play Basket ball to improve their skills and also to choose this game as their career.   

                                                                                     Report By: Cdt. Basavaraj, Bheemashankar & Akshay, Members of InsighT Club

Hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. There are many types of hockey such as bandyfield hockey and ice hockey .As in our SSKG (Sainik school Kodagu)we too have a hockey ground with proper length and breadth.

In our school we have legendry players of hockey and they know how to dribble the ball, push, pass, scoop, and even to hit hard shoots. Our school is inaugurated in 2007.and we have good hockey ground and here we conduct the inter house matches and inter school matches etc.

As we have good weather and climatic conditions. As you see every where green and it gives pleasure to play hockey in our school as we good hockey sticks and goalkeeper kit with good accommodation. It gives a humble pleasure to say that our school as secured 3rd position in south zone championship 2017-18.

                                                                                                                  Report By: Cdt. Ramesh & Cdt. Nitin, InsighT Club Members

Football ground is also known as soccer field or football field. It is the playing surface for the game of association football it is game in which two teams will be playing and each team has 11 players on field. To win the game we need to score goals against opponent team.

In our school football ground is located near the CSD canteen. It is a new and recent one. It was established in the year 2016.the ground is having proper length and breadth. We have many football players in our school. Football ground is the one of the biggest ground in our school.

In this ground we conduct many inter house matches and one international match was also played with NDA cadets of other country. I feel proud to say that our school had won the match against them.

Report By: Cdt. Venkat R & Cdt. Abhishek R, InsighT Club Memebers


Volley BallIn our school we have 6 volley ball courts. Measurement of each volley ball court is 60 feet by 30 feet. Our cadets who are the future officers of armed forces get well trained in this field. In our school cadets play daily to improve their skills. Every year inter house volley ball competition will be held to check the skills of cadets. Same way in this year 2017-18 volley ball champions were Katari house.  

 In volley ball we have center line, attack line service line, so on. in volley ball length of each court is 6m and breadth is 9m and height of the net is volley ball each team has 6 main players and 5 extra players.

                                                      Report By: Cdt. Manoj & Team, Members of InsighT Club

DSC 0831Squash is a ball sport played by two (singles) or four players (doubles) in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. The players must alternate in striking the ball with their racket and hit the ball onto the playable surfaces of the four walls of the court.The game was formerly called squash rackets, ball used in the game is small.

 In Sainik School Kodagu there is squash court which was inaugurated by Ms. Joshna chinappa (19th Asian champion in squash) .It is located near the foot ball ground in our school. It is well built and a good inspiration for the cadets. Now cadets can play in the squash court which is a part of our school game. Cadets are very privileged have such a court in the school premises.  

Report By: Cdt. Mahesh reddy & Team, Members of InsighT Club

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