The School Routine for the Academic Year 2017-18 is as follows.
0500 | Reveille |
0545 hrs | Muster by APTC Staff in Basketball Court |
0555-0635 hrs | PT/ Yoga/ Horse riding/swimming * |
0635-0715 hrs | Tea, Wash and Change |
0715-0720 hrs | Muster by Duty Master and parade report by Mess Captain |
0725-0740 hrs | Breakfast |
0750-0810 hrs | Assembly (Fri- NCC divisions) |
0815-1315 hrs | Classes |
0815-0855 hrs | I Period |
0855-0935 hrs | II Period |
0935-1015 hrs | III Period |
1015-1035 hrs | Tea Break |
1035-1115 hrs | IV Period |
1110-1150 hrs | V Period |
1115-1155 hrs | Break |
1155-1235 hrs | VI Period |
1235-1315 hrs | VII Period |
1315-1320 hrs |
Announcement of the day by SM and National Anthem. |
1330-1350 hrs | Lunch |
1350- 1530 hrs | Rest time |
1530-1700 hrs | English Orientation Class/Swimming/HR/Games/NCC |
1700-1750 hrs | Tea, Wash and Change |
1750-1755 hrs | Roll Call for prep by DM (Drill Quadrangle) |
1800- 2000 hrs | Prep |
2010- 2030 hrs | Dinner |
2035 hrs | Night Roll Call |
2045-2115 hrs | News Time |
2115-2230 hrs | Self study in dormitory (Supervised by wardens & Duty master). |
2230 hrs | Lights out |
*Inclement weather -MP Hall -Mass PT
The School Routine for the Academic Year 2017-18 is as follows.
0530 hrs | Reveille |
0605 hrs | Mustering by APTC Staff in Basketball Court and Report by Sports Captain |
0615-0645 hrs | PT / NCC / Horse Riding / Special Classes etc |
0646-0725 hrs | Wash and Change |
0730 hrs | Mustering by Duty Master and Parade Report by Mess Captain |
0735-0750 hrs | Grace and Breakfast |
0755 hrs | Fall in before Cadets’ Mess and proceed to Academic Block |
0810 hrs | Assembly (Mon-Ppl, Tue-House Master, Wed-VP, Thu- HMs, Fri –Class Teachers, Sat- AO) |
0830-0910 hrs | Period I |
0910-0950 hrs | Period II |
0950-1030 hrs | Period III |
1030-1050 hrs | Morning Tea Break |
1050-1130 hrs | Period IV |
1130-1210 hrs | Period V |
1210-1250 hrs | Period VI |
1250-1330 hrs | Period VII |
1335 hrs | Instruction by SM and National Anthem |
1350-1410 hrs | Grace and Lunch |
1410-1510 hrs | Cadets’ Hour/Rest in Dormitories |
1520 hrs | Mustering by APTC Staff in Basketball Courts & Report by Sports Captain |
1530-1700 hrs | Games / NCC / Hobby Clubs / Horse Riding / Swimming / Weak boys classes |
1705 hrs | Evening Tea at Dormitories |
1705-1745 hrs | Bath and Change |
1745 hrs | Fall in before Hostels and March to Academic Block |
1750 hrs | Mustering by Duty Master in Quadrangle & Report by School Captain |
1800-2000 hrs | Preparatory Time/Supervised Study |
2010 hrs | Mustering by Duty Master in Quadrangle Report by Mess Captain |
2015 hrs | Proceed to Cadets’ Mess for Dinner |
2020-2040 hrs | Grace & Dinner |
2045 hrs | Mustering by Duty Master in front of Mess |
2100 hrs | News/Self Study |
2200 hrs | Lights Off for Class VI to IX |
2300 hrs | Lights Off for Class X to XII (Self study at study rooms) |
*Inclement weather -MP Hall -Mass PT
Sunday/Holiday Routine
0600 | Reveille |
0600-0630 hrs | WASH & CHANGE |
0635-0745 hrs | Shramadaan |
0745-0830 hrs | Tea / Bath & Change |
0840-0900 hrs | Breakfast |
0900-1100 hrs | Self Study |
1100-1115 hrs | Tea |
1115-1300 hrs | Canteen & OTW (Own Time Work) |
1300-1320 hrs | Lunch |
1330-1730 hrs | Rest |
1730-1800 hrs | Bath & Change |
1830-2000 hrs | Self Study |
2000-2020 hrs | Dinner |
2030-2100 hrs | News Time |
2100-2230 | Self Study |
2230 hrs | Lights off |