
Important Notice : SUMMER VACATIONS

Dear parents,
The school will be closed for summer vacation as per the dates mentioned below
04 May 25- Parents teachers meeting followed by dispersal of cadets for vacation from 1400h on the same day
1. Class VI to X - 05 May 25 to 14 June 25. Cadets can proceed for vacation on 04 May 25 after 1400h and shall report back to school on 15 Jun 25 by 1300h.
2. Class XI - 05 May 25 to 24 May 25. Cadets can proceed for vacation after 1400h on 04 May 25 and shall report back to school by 1600h on 25 May 25.
3. Class VIII cadets and class IX cadets( II yr JD NCC only ) shall report back to school on 05 June 25 by 1000h for NCC CATC camp.

Sainik School Kodagu Celebrates 9th Ayurveda Day

ayurved diwas

Public Notice for delaration of AISSEE 2024 results

Results of the exam are now hosted on . Candidates can login to the website and view their score card and are required to register themselves at through e-counselling to move to the next stage of the process for admission.
Any query with regard to admission process may be forwarded to the email ID:

Important notice regarding Winter vacation of cadets

Important notice:Winter vacation of cadets is scheduled from 05 Oct 24 to 4 Nov 24.All the parents are requested to attend the PTM on 5 Oct 24 followed by departure of cadets with their parents/guardians.All the cadets are report back to school on 04 Nov 24 without fail.

Reach Us

Sainik School Kodagu
Village & Post Kudige
Kushalnagar Taluk
Kodagu District
Karnataka- 571232
Off. 08276 - 201005

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