School Competition

Hindi Essay Writing competition 2018-19

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Kannada Debate Competition 2018-19

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Inter House Kannada Debate Competition for senior and junior category was conducted on 28 Aug 2018 at Multipurpose Hall. All the participants presented their views for and against the proposition. The topic for Junior House cadets was— ‘Lack of value and moral education has left students mentally weak’ (ªÀiË®å ªÀÄvÀÄÛ £ÉÊwPÀ ²PÀëtzÀ PÉÆgÀvÉ «zÁåyðUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÀiÁ£À¹PÀªÁV zÀħð®UÉƽ¸ÀÄwÛzÉ’)and Senior cadets were asked to speak on the topic—‘Dependence on technology is compromising true education’(UÀÄuÁvÀäPÀ ²PÀëtªÀÅ vÁAwæPÀvÉAiÉÄqÉUÉ ªÁ®ÄwÛzÉ). Subroto House was adjudged the champion House of the Inter House Kannada Debate Competition for the year 2018-19. The results of the competition are:                         





Junior Category:

Sl. No Cadet’s Name R. No. House Position
1 Cdt. Sharanu R G 683 Cariappa Junior First
2 Cdt. Vinayak M K 752 Katari Junior Second
3 Cdt. Siddappa C K 704 Subroto Junior Third

Senior Category:

Sl. No Cadet’s Name R. No. House Position
1 Cdt. Lokesh 515 Subroto Senior First
2 Cdt. Somashekar 635 Menon Senior Second
3 Cdt. Manoj U B 898 Katari Senior Third

House Position:

Sl No House Position Points awarded
1 Subroto I 100
2 Menon II 90
3 Cariappa III 80
4 Katari IV 70

Hearty congratulations to the winners!

Report By: Mr. Prasad M H, In Charge

Squash competition

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