Inter-House English Essay Writing Competition was conducted in two Categories Juniors and Seniors respectively. Cadets of Class VII- XI expressed their opinions, thoughts in the form of words and composed them in beautiful scripts. The competition was held on 27 July 2018. There was 100% participation from the cadets of class VII-XI.
Prize Winners:
SlNo | RollNo | Name | House | Position |
1 | 892 | Cdt V Tejas | Subroto Jr | I |
2 | 793 | Cdt Srijan C Vachadmath | Menon Jr | II |
3 | 902 | Cdt Apoorv M G | Menon Jr | III |
4 | 536 | Cdt Vinay B M | Katari Sr | I |
5 | 494 | Cdt Sujeeth Biradar | Menon Sr | II |
6 | 902 | Cdt Devaiah K K | Cariappa Sr | III |
Overall Position:
Sl No | House | Position |
1 | Subroto | I |
2 | Menon | II |
3 | Katari | III |
4 | Cariappa | IV |
Report By: Raghavendra Raje Urs B, I/c Programme