News 16
About 10
Gp Capt RR Lall assumed the charge of the Principal, Sainik School Kodagu on... |
Activities 2
Events 65
Tours & Trips 31
Tours and Trips
Campus 23
Cadets 16
The Importance of Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Parent Teachers Association is established in order to have an advancement of excellence of academic performance of students/cadets. To derive maximum benefit from the TeachingLearning process and for all-round development of a child, importance of PTA is gaining momentum day by day. Now a days PTA is playing a vital role in imparting quality education in schools of India. It is a living organization where all the parents and teachers have to participate in equal footings. In our school we are organizing PTA meetings regularly from time to time in which we are trying to come onto the same platform. In a general meeting of Parents & Teachers, both parents and teachers discuss and try to make necessary plans and programmes for the progress and ongoing development of the school.
Aims and Objectives:
- To promote the welfare of children, in the school, home, and in the community.
- To create better understanding between parents and teachers.
- To help parents and teachers to adopt themselves to the changing concepts of society.
- To arrange general meetings where parent teacher consultations are possible in a group as well as individually.
- To prepare programme which can increase cooperation between school, teachers, parents, students and community.
- To provide various opportunities to parents and teachers to come on the same frequency and discuss problems of their children.
- To arrange social get-together and programmes of recreation for parents and teachers.
Proposal to open a PTA Fund:
In some sainik schools, the PTA has opened a fund called PTA fund which is generally used for the welfare activities of Teachers and to meet the incidental and miscellaneous expenditure occurring during the PTA forum. A nominal amount would be dicided and the same could be contributed by every member either monthly or annually. The fund will be administered by members nominated by the PTA with proper auditing of fund.