successism workshopThe workshop on SUCCESSISM by Dr JAGANATH RAO was held at Multipurpose hall on 28 August 2019 for classes X,XI and XII for a period of six hours covering the modules like Dynamic Personality,Universal Success formula, Respect & True love towards parents, Effective reading skills, Time management and Goal setting. Total of 200 cadets participated actively in the workshop and given a feed back as Excellent and Very good. At the end of the workshop, cadets were guided to set a goal and work according to Universal Success formula.



B V Ramesh

CHANGE 150 - Workshop

To make this special year’s independence truly memorable and meaningful, the Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, Delhi has introduced the CHANGE -150, a youth powered celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary during this Independence day.

This unique project aims to bring to life the iconic change mantra of Bapu ‘Be the change that you wish to be in the world’.

In this regard, it is happy to note that 600 cadets of our school came together to hand write one social change for the nation that they passionately want to see and be. During this workshop, every cadet of classes 6 to 12 were handed a sample post card and asked to articulate one civic change that they would like to see in the nation. After the workshop, All those creative presentations done by cadets were posted to Kerala as guided by Darshan Samiti.

B V Ramesh

Mega Event: 14 KM Trek in Bisle Ghat region

Kalpower Trekking Club

Mega Event: 14 KM Trek in Bisle Ghat region

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Members of Kalpower Trekking Club went out to the midst of nature- Bisle Ghat, one of the thickest forests of the South India. It is the home of wild animals like elephants, wild boar, King Cobra, tiger, Sambar and thousands of rare species of birds.The region falls in Ghati Subramanya region of Karnataka Forest, got declared as a reserve forest as early as 31 Dec 1900. All 25 club members were escorted by two club in-charge teachers, reached Bisle View Point at around 11AM on 4 Aug 2019. After a light breakfast the trek began downward in the direction of Kukke Subramanya. The natural
scenic beauty enthralled all the members. Kumaraparvata and Sahyadri hills were visible from the path we trailed. The destination was Shri Chowdeshwari Temple, 15 KM away from the View Point. Weather was so good and encouraging one. Last one hour of the trek witnessed heavy rainfall. We could not complete the predetermined distance as heavy downpour lessened our speed. KSRTC bus was on its way back to Kudige. We boarded the bus and reached Kudige at 1700hrs. All the members were tired but felt jubilant for doing lifetime achievement of such a long trek in the dense forest.

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